How well do you know Fleece johnson?

There are atleast 1,5672,000 raapes in prison each day. its not as funny as it sounds. how would you like to have yo booty taken for no apparent reason?

its time like these were we just have to put are heads down and pray. But any way if you know fleece jonhson or you think you know fleece johnson the real warrior then take this quiz.

Created by: funnymaker
  1. on what show did fleece johnson first appear?
  2. where did fleece jonhnson catch and raape chris(easy)
  3. what prison does fleece johnson live at?
  4. what is fleece johnsons catch phrase?
  5. how do fleece johnson intruduce himself to his victim?
  6. who does fleece johnson admire?
  7. finish the sentence. WE ALL MEN WE ALL ...
  8. why is fleece johnson in prison?
  9. name the ingrediants to booty juice.
  10. finish the sentence. WE ALL HAVE ...
  11. why does fleece johnson like light skinned brothers?
  12. what was the persons name who interviewed fleece johnson in the spoof?
  13. what is fleece johnsons second nick name?
  14. why dopes fleece jonhson enjoy booty so much?
  15. did you enjoy this quiz? (doesnt count)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Fleece johnson?