How well do you know Defendants songs

You are a star no matter how hard you try you are awesome and should be proud of what you did so good job to you and don't let anyone tell you any thing else.

Do you think that you know the descendants songs well you can find out if you take this quiz you can find out so stop whatever you are doing and take this quiz

Created by: Lily
  1. What is the 3rd song
  2. What song is has these lyrics with are fellow candlesticks
  3. Who does Evie dance with during set it off.
  4. What did Mal wear during the Set it off song
  5. Who sings signs in front of me in what song
  6. What song did maleficent sing
  7. Where is the setting during rotten to the core
  8. Did Evie turn good in the end
  9. What is the last song
  10. Did you have fun

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Defendants songs