How well do you know cross foxes

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Hi welcome to the cross fox quiz!!! I hope you know your cross foxes well!!! Come join me in this amazing quiz all about cross foxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hop on the quiz and see if you know your foxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sure hope you know your cross foxes well enough to get a good score!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Ember
  1. What cross of breed are they?
  2. What do they look like
  3. What do they eat?
  4. Are they killed for sport
  5. Can you have a cross fox as a pet
  6. Are they bigger than a rat terrior
  7. Are they smaller than a rat terrior
  8. Would they eat fish
  9. do foxes eat berries
  10. Would a fox get rabbies

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Quiz topic: How well do I know cross foxes
