What is your fox name, look and personality

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Have you ever wanted a fox, but you never knew what that foxes name, personality or color is? Well you've come to the right place! Using my quiz you find out if you are a red fox, an arctic fox, a gray fox, a kit fox or a swift fox.

In this quiz, you can get either Ginger the red fox, Storm the arctic fox, Rocky the gray fox, Willow the kit fox, Fern the fennec fox or Celera the Swift fox.

Created by: DemiDragon987
  1. What is you're age?
  2. What is your gender
  3. How would you like to be described?
  4. What color is your fur?
  5. What would be your role in a group of foxes?
  6. Pick one
  7. Choose again
  8. Last Time! Choose!
  9. Which one do you want?
  10. Did you like the quiz? (no effect)

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Quiz topic: What is my fox name, look and personality
