How well do you know cars? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How well do you know cars?

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  • So you think you know cars, eh? Just try challenging me! Also, the new Koenigsegg CCXR can do 416 km/h, so far, it's all the info, so it's going to be the fastest production car (only 6 are made). Also, the SSC Ultimate Aero (so far, two have been delivered) was tested at 257.11 mph, moron. Hey, the Veyron EB 16.4 actually goes 0-60 in 2.42 seconds, as tested by a proffesional tester. Believe me or not, it's true, loser. Probably some young schoolkid trying to get attention by researching the internet, not from the top of your mind, like I can. Now go screw yourself!

  • So you think you know cars, eh? Just try challenging me! Also, the new Koenigsegg CCXR can do 416 km/h, so far, it's all the info, so it's going to be the fastest production car (only 6 are made). Also, the SSC Ultimate Aero (so far, two have been delivered) was tested at 257.11 mph, moron. Hey, the Veyron EB 16.4 actually goes 0-60 in 2.42 seconds, as tested by a proffesional tester. Believe me or not, it's true, loser. Probably some young schoolkid trying to get attention by researching the internet, not from the top of your mind, like I can. Now go screw yourself!

  • I thought this quiz was not very good, it was all about supercars and things you would find in the manual or on some car fanatic website. It did not really ask anything on how well someone knows cars in themselves but more so what you "thought" was something that you think shows that someone knows about cars...

  • So you think you know cars, eh? Just try challenging me! Also, the new Koenigsegg CCXR can do 216 mph, so far, it's all the info, so it's going to be the fastest production car (only 6 are made). Also, the SSC Ultimate Aero (so far, two have been delivered) was tested at 257.11 mph, moron. Hey, the Veyron EB 16.4 actually goes 0-60 in 2.42 seconds, as tested by a proffesional tester. Believe me or not, it's true, loser. Probably some young schoolkid trying to get attention by researching the internet, not from the top of your mind, like I can. Now go screw yourself!

  • not everybody is a car geek

  • Cool quiz.


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