How well do you know Bob Duncan?!?!!?!?

This quiz is about how well you know Bob Duncan. OK so I hope you have fun and remember if you get a pretty low score please don't take my respond seriously lol. And thank you all for taking it when you do! BYE!

IDK what to say lol. Umm thanks for playing I guess lol! Well I hope you got a good score though! Good job! Idk lol. Ok BYE lol. It made me type a certain amount lol.

Created by: Harry styles fan
  1. How old is Bob Duncan?
  2. When is his birthday?
  3. Do you like to twerk like bob?
  4. What Disney channel show was he on?
  5. How tall is he?
  6. Do you religious have Bob ritual every night?
  7. Whats the thing that stands out to you of Bob?
  8. Whats his real name?
  9. Have you Heard of him? Umm if you haven't why are you taking this quiz?
  10. Is he your favorite person on this EARTH
  11. Last question, In the Disney channel show he was on who was he married to?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Bob Duncan?!?!!?!?
