How well do you know Banjo?

Just how well do you know Banjo. Or is it, how much of what I blog do you actually read??? You can find all the answers in the blog but, let's face it, if you are a real fan, you'll know most of them by heart.

Are you a real Banjo fan? Do you pay attention to the little things? Could you say that you know all there is to know about Banjo?? Let's see!!! Big Banjo is watching you!

Created by: Lauren
  1. Where was Banjo born? Donde nacio Banjo?
  2. What is the name of the doctor that delivered Banjo? Como se llama el medico que asistio al parto?
  3. What is the name of Banjo's paediatrician? Como se llama el pediatra de Banjo?
  4. What time was Banjo born? A que hora nacio el Banjo?
  5. How long was the labour? Cuanto duro el parto?
  6. How much did Banjo weigh at birth? Cuanto peso al nacimiento el Banjo?
  7. Where did he eat his first fruit and what was it? Donde comio su primera fruta y que era?
  8. Where did Banjo cut his first tooth? Donde estaba cuando salio su primero diente?
  9. What is the name of Banjo's stuffed dog that he sleeps with? Como se llama el perro peluche con que duerme el Banjo?
  10. What is Banjo's full name? Cual es el nombre completo de Banjo?
  11. What was Banjo's first word? Que era la primera palabra de Banjo?
  12. What flavour Nesquik does Banjo drink? Que sabor de Nesquik toma?
  13. Is Banjo circumcised?
  14. What brand of shoes does Banjo wear?
  15. What colour was the jumpsuit Banjo wore home from the hospital?
  16. What colour is Banjo's bumbo?
  17. What is Banjo's favourite toy to play with?
  18. When was Banjo due to be born?
  19. What theme is Banjo's nursery done up in?
  20. What did Banjo get for his 6 month birthday?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Banjo?