How well do you know anime characters

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i hope you people enjoy this quiz be ause it will be great so hope you enjoy it ha ha ha ha love my quizzes qell bye see you people later miss you and don't miss you bye.

made by your one and only star but i will not tell you know so see you in the waiting room for the quiz ............ you people ready then lets start to go.

Created by: Naomi Nina
  1. Who is inuyasha
  2. who is kagoma to inuyasha
  3. who is the strongest in the film
  4. how many people are in inuyasha's group
  5. who is the brother of inuyasha.
  6. why does inuyasha wants the pearl
  7. is kagama a demon
  8. how old is inuyasha
  9. does inuyasha loves kikio or kagoma
  10. inuyasha and kagoma has how many children

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Quiz topic: How well do I know anime characters

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