How well do you know anime?

There are hepsa anime freaks but do they know as much as they think? this is a short quiz that will test ur knowledge on the most famous aanime's of all time!!!!! alost all of them...

I was bored when i did this so don't blame me if it sux it's about 3 in the morning right now or is it just cause the curtains are closed? i really don't know...

Created by: Kotaro-kun
  1. In the anime "Black Cat", what is the bioweapon's name?
  2. In "Bleach", what is the sword Soul Reapers use called?
  3. What is Naruto's father's name in "Naruto"?
  4. In "Death Note", Raito's shinigami's name is...
  5. In "Fullmetal Alchemist", What is the circle used for alchemy called?
  6. Who is the author of "Zombie Powder"?
  7. In "Darker than Black" the anime, what is the gate called?
  8. Again, In "Darker than Black", What is Lii's real name?
  9. In Bleach, What is the first theme song called?
  10. In InuYasha, Kagome is the incarnation of...
  11. Did u like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know anime?