How well do you know Albert Wesker?

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Albert Wesker was born to parents who possessed genes intellectually superior to others. He and a dozen other children were raised as the "Wesker children", a project by the Umbrella Corporation, which gave Albert his surname. He demonstrated even greater promise than the others, which greatly pleased Ozwell E. Spencer, Umbrella's president, who saw that the boy had what his children needed. Albert became one of Umbrella's employees at age 17 and became a promising member of the corporation, under the watchful eye of Spencer, unaware of the president's true intentions or his origins. Wesker became a researcher at the Management Training Facility under Dr. James Marcus in 1977. While there, he befriended William Birkin.

the pair acted as comrades and accomplices for years afterwards. Marcus found Wesker and Birkin to be his two best apprentices and the two were some of the few people he trusted. When the Training Facility was shut down, the two were transferred to the research facility in the Arklay Mountains where they continued research on the tyrant virus for 13 years. Wesker and Birkin went though 3 stages of the T-Virus during their research finally culminating the third stage, the Tyrant, in 1988. The two then received orders to eliminate Dr. James Marcus and steal his research on the T-Virus. Later, when Spencer approved Birkin's research into the G-Virus in 1991, Wesker began to have his doubts about the president's intentions and requested to be transferred into Umbrella's Intelligence Bureau.

Created by: NA
  1. What did Wesker originally aspire to become?
  2. How did Wesker gain his super-human power?
  3. Who did he get to play the judas in order to lure Jill to him?
  4. How did he get them to do it?
  5. Who is Wesker's most trusted right-hand?
  6. Why did Wesker join S.T.A.R.S?
  7. What is Wesker's most unknown ability?
  8. Which one of these is NOT one of Wesker's abilities?
  9. What organisation did Wesker take over and disguise as a pharmaceutical company?
  10. Who became Wesker's right-hand and converted to helping him?
  11. What is Weskers strongest move known as?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Albert Wesker?