How well do you know Abbreviations?

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Do you think you are a master at texting abbreviations? Well maybe not! Maybe you know some abbreviations but do you trull know what they mean? Well lets find out!

Do you know what OMG means? Yes, no, maybe so? Well there are alot of abbreviations in this quiz! Lets see if you can figure them all out! Good Luck!!

Created by: Hickssky
  1. What does LOL mean?
  2. What does ROFL mean?
  3. What does LMBO mean?
  4. What does ILY mean?
  5. What dies YOLO mean?
  6. What does NP mean?
  7. What does OMG stand for?
  8. What does BTW mean?
  9. What does HRU mean?
  10. What does HBU mean?
  11. What dids HMU mean?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Abbreviations?
