how well do you know abbie?

There are smart people, but only a few geniuses. genius is afterall quite exceptionall, however, one way to determin these clever minded people is to see who can solve complex problems like, how well do you know abbie manchester?! think you can handle the pressure?

hem hem...There are smart people, but only a few geniuses. genius is afterall quite exceptionall, however, one way to determin these clever minded people is to see who can solve complex problems like, how well do you know abbie manchester?! think you can handle the pressure?

Created by: abbie Manchester
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. ok then, so here it goes - what is abbies middle name?
  2. which THREE colours are abbie's favourite?
  3. which is one of abbie's most favourite books?
  4. Will abbie go for chocolate or vanilla?
  5. what sport does abbie like to follow?
  6. If she could what would abbie do today?
  7. At uni what is abbies favourite thing to do on her course?
  8. would abbie rather -
  9. On a rainy day what does abbie sometimes do / really feel the urge to do?
  10. what is one of abbies past times from charles morris she has adopted full time now....? (all are true so be careful)
  11. who is abbies favourite bible character?
  12. which out of the last bands abbie has seen at a gig has been her favourite?
  13. what seat at rowing was abbie for two years running?
  14. what three things does abbie like to do in the summer? (oooh this is a tough one she likes to do alot!)
  15. Abbie grew up where?
  16. what instruments does abbie play
  17. What two cars does abbie love?
  18. Grandad chambers was the pastor of which church -
  19. who is bernard?
  20. LASTLY, who is abbies favourite disney character?
  21. does abbie think she is a geek for doing this quiz even though it took her a whole 15 mins!

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Quiz topic: How well do I know abbie?