How well do u know the lyrics to Britney Spears' songs?

Do u know who Britney Spears is? you probably do cuz ur taking this quiz. She is an awesome singer and has man great songs. This quiz is made by a devoted fan.

Do u know her songs? Do u know the lyrics? I hope that u dont go to youtube and cheat cuz Britney wouldnt like that!Just to make things easier, I added the name of the song. In this quiz u will find some hits some not-so-known songs and, a fake...

Created by: bunniesrule
  1. BABY ONE MORE TIME: My lonelyness is killing me (and I), I must ________ I still ________ still ________.
  2. RADAR:Im ______ it so ____ so _____ wonder if he _______ hes on my radar.
  3. TOXIC: Theres no _______ I cant ______ I need a ____
  4. CIRCUS: Theres only two types of ____ out there the ones that can _____ with me and the ones that are _________.
  5. IF U SEEK AMY:Is she in the _______ is she _______ up ______(oh)
  6. PAPER GANGSTA: Dont want no ______ ______ wont ____ no ______ papers
  7. WOMANIZER: You can play _____ ___ to all the other ______
  8. IM A SLAVE 4 U: And I need to do what i _____ like _____. So let me __ and just ______.
  9. Do u like Britney's songs?
  10. If u want me to make more quizzes about lyrics just leave it in the comments. (But the right answer here is the first ok)

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