How well do u know me?

Many people know a lot about me. At least those who pay attention to me and listen to what I got to say. I just want to see how many people actually know me. So, take the test and see how you score.

Are you one the people who will pass the test. Or are you one to flunk the test. Find out now. Are you up to the challenge. Do you know enough about me to pass? WE'll find out in a minute. GOOD LUCK!

Created by: Richard Crawford
  1. When is my birthday?
  2. What is my favorite football team?
  3. What is my middle name?
  4. What is my favorite animal?
  5. How many siblings do i have?
  6. What is my most favorite movie?
  7. What is my favorite television show?
  8. What is my favorite color?
  9. What is my favorite food?
  10. Who is my favorite x-men?

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