How Well Do U Know Henry Danger by Reehan Imran Mohamed?

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This quiz is by reehan Imran mohamed (Me) so and this quiz will test u if u know Jace Norman special question is if u know jace's favorite game so I hope u like it.

This is a good quiz, I own a special thanks for GoTo Games for giving a chance to make this quiz And NRA My Clan for giving me my permission and it's not that easy to make a a quiz so u might not like this quiz but I hope u appreciate my work even if I did it by myself but I couldn't do it with out GoTo Games So me and my clan own GoTo Games A HUGE THANK YOU.

Created by: Reehan Imran Mohamed
  1. What is Jace Norman's favourite game?
  2. What's Jace Norman's Favourite Colour?
  3. What parts do Jace Norman play in Henry Danger, Easy one so u can get it correct?
  4. Who are Jace Norman's Best Friends in Henry Danger?
  5. How Many Siblings Do Jace Norman Have?
  6. What are the names of Jace Norman's Siblings a easy one?
  7. What is the name of Jace Norman's real father and Henry Danger Father?
  8. Easiest one what's Jace Norman's Full Name.
  9. Bonus Question, what is called a captain Man grenade.
  10. Second Bonus Question, how many people know Henry's secret that they figured out.

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