(ACTUALLY HARD) Henry Danger quiz

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This is a very hard Henry Danger trivia quiz. The little details about most episodes are in here. You will need to be a huge fan to get higher than 80%.

If you get higher than 90% you have seen almost every episode more than once and you should be very proud of yourself. You can officially call yourself a Henry Danger Fan.

Created by: Allyson
  1. I am going to start of really hard. Sorry. What is Henry's locker number?
  2. What's Henry's home phone number?
  3. What fruit is Henry dedicated to eating?
  4. What inch-screen did Piper and Nate add in the episode "Toon in for Danger"?
  5. What sentence did Henry type (And Ray really liked and said "Why didn't i think of that?!" On the laptop In "Toon in for Danger"?
  6. What game does the gang play in "Flabber gassed?" Hint: Charlotte is really good at it.
  7. What type of animal is giving birth in "I Dream of Danger"?
  8. What is Henry's middle name?
  9. What number does Ciara give Henry in "Knight and Danger"?
  10. What's the first singing battle Piper does with Frankini in "Henry Danger: The Musical."?

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