Avatar last airbender quiz

Welcome to my avatar shop! here, you can buy as much avatar souvenirs as you want, but first, you have to get 100% on this quiz. yeah, thats right, A HUNDRED PERCENT.

to get one hundred percent, you must watch all the episodes and pay attention to the details. some questions are easy, some are hard. unless you watched all the episodes, they should all be easy. NOW TAKE THE QUIZ SO YOU CAN BUY MY CRAP!

Created by: codysly
  1. who was the last person to TALK in the hole series?
  2. Who was the first person to talk in the series? (after the intro)
  3. What air temple does Aang find Momo in?
  4. What side is Zukos scar on?
  5. Which of these episodes does NOT have zuko in it?
  6. what are tophs 2 nicknames?
  7. In what episode did Aang fight his Evil clone?
  8. What did Aang say his name was in the Fire Nation School?
  9. In the episode, "The waterbending scroll" why does uncle Iroh change the ships course?
  10. how long did the solar eclipse make firebenders defenseless?
  11. what episode does appa get stolen in?

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