How stupid are you?

this quiz is about the fact that youy are stupid or AWSOME .Ovyosly.but most of all youre always awsome in a way.always.*joke*Anyway , are there any birthdays? , no?OK. GOOD NIGHT EVERY BODY!!!!!!!!!

any way must do random words oto express the feelings ove my past and over random the way this aint real cause i need to fill this thing out to finish this thing.

Created by: Tate

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are u a popular kid/adult?
  2. Have u got friends?
  3. How many friends have you got?
  4. Do you think youre stupid?
  5. Are your friends stupid?
  6. What do you do after school?
  7. What is your averege grade?
  8. what?
  9. This question makes no difference.Choose something cause the question limit is 12.
  10. Last question.Favorite number.

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Quiz topic: How stupid am I?