How strong is your visualization

This quiz is about pure visualisation and creative skills, we are here to test how good your right part of the brain works. The results are given in percentages, so just take the test and I know it will be fun......all the way.

This quiz has been created for testing the creative part of your head, while in no way it describes your intelligence, its a good indicator of how well you think....I think this test gives you just a good indication of your visualisation, we can be wrong, of course but worth taking once

Created by: Aman Singh
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which one of your friend has the longest hair?(mark the time you took to answer)
  2. how do you think was the 1st question?
  3. Are you pleased with the quiz so far?
  4. Remember the face of a teacher from school?(again, what time you took)
  5. visualize the strips on a tiger
  6. Are you frustrated taking this quiz?
  7. what's the colour of your neighbour's door?
  8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  9. How do you visualize your soul-mate
  10. How was the quiz?(no effect on the results)

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Quiz topic: How strong is my visualization