How stealthy are you? (stealthy combat epic)

Hopefully you're result wasn't elephant or penguin, unless you like those animals.This gay thing tells me to say something about geniuses, so here it is (and it's random)

Geniuses are Very intellegent people. FIN. Joke, if you are a true genius, you got the shadow, if you're clever, you got snake, if you're medium, you got tiger, if you're dumb, you got penguin and if you're a tard like mee, you got elephant.

Created by: Nathan
  1. In a small house, where is you're faviroute hiding place?
  2. Where in town would the least likely place to be in when on the run
  3. Imagine you are on the run from the cops, who do you turn to for help?
  4. A cop comes and thinks he knows where you are, you hide around a corner, he walks past you, what do you do?
  5. You are trapped in a rom, where do you go?
  6. Each of the last options were possibilities of injury. When in hospital, What do you do?
  7. You get a gun to defend youself, what attachment does it have?
  8. Where do you fire you're gun from?
  9. How do you communicate with other hiding people?
  10. When found do you...

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Quiz topic: How stealthy am I? (stealthy combat epic)