How Spanish R U?

Are you a psanish speaker, a spanish savvy or a spanish dummy? What is spanish? Is it just a language or MORE? For some it's a class, others a way of life...for you, the possibilities were endless and far make it possible to know!!

Are you spanishly gifted? Do you have the language to qualify for this title? Until now yo9u could only dream positivly, is reality as optimistic? Until now, who knew? But thanks to me, in just a few minutes you will have the power to know!

Created by: amazon
  1. Te gusta la pizza en el desayuno?
  2. ? De donde eres?
  3. ? Cuantos anos tienes?
  4. af adg asfgsfdng dkgs kdsf.
  5. (Give away) ? Como estas?
  6. (Translate) Voy la biblioteca para la leer.
  7. espanol, spanish
  8. Yo means:
  9. Me encanta tu cabello.
  10. The flamenco is a
  11. You are in a ______class.

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