how smart are you?

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There are a lot of smart people and a few geniuses who god choosed to give more to and to share your brain with others and showing your ideas with many others

Are you smart? Take my quiz and the true answer will come out and tell you if your smart or not they are easy and don't cheat because you can check your true knowledge when you were in school

Created by: savannah
  1. When did George Washington become president?
  2. What is 13+12-25+0=?
  3. Who created the national anthem?
  4. What is 3x8?
  5. How much lives do cats have?
  6. What country did Ebola spread at?
  7. Which one is not spelled correctly?!
  8. How many language are they?
  9. Who was the first president?
  10. Here is the hardest question. What are we made of lol its easy

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?