How smart are you?

Have you ever wondered if you are a secret genius? Or are you just interested to find out how smart you are? Just a warning, this test is a bit hard. Also, it includes math, history, and English.

Even if you don't do very well, every person has their smarts. Don't take offense if you don't do very well; everyone is a genius in their own unique way.

Created by: 123
  1. What was the first period of the Stone Age?
  2. What is 9 * 9 * 9 equal to?
  3. Define niveous.
  4. What is a trapezoid?
  5. Which word is actually a real word?
  6. Where is Atlanta?
  7. What does the prefix uni mean?
  8. If you have 50 dollars, and give 50% to your friend, how much money do you have now?
  9. Which is the correct spelling?
  10. A one story house has a pink cat, red computer, green person, pink chairs, red tissues, green dining room, pink floor, and a red mirror. What color are the stairs?

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?