English history

This is the English history quiz that will test the your knowledge of the past, make sure to be paying attention in history class to get 100% on this quiz!

Get ready to test you're knowledge of the kings and queens of England and other important times in history, if you don't do too well then never mind this is hard but good luck!

Created by: Erl of sandwich
  1. Who is called the first English king?
  2. Who was Henry VIII's last wife?
  3. Which monarch has ruled for the longest?
  4. Who restored the monarchy in 1660?
  5. What did Dick Turpin change his name to when he ran away to Yorkshire?
  6. Where did Anne Boleyns executioner come from?
  7. Which castle are all of the kings and queens buried?
  8. When was the battle of Hastings?
  9. How did Joan of ark, who lead the French army against the British, die?
  10. How long did the 100 year war last?
  11. Which monarch came after Richard III?
  12. According to Charles II, what must never leave the tower of London or the kingdom will fall?
  13. Who paid the Vikings not to invade Britain?
  14. What did Germany do to start WWII?
  15. Who was the merry monarch?
  16. Final question, is horrible histories the best educational program ever?

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