How smart are you?

You are not ! Good try little kids u aren't smart, nice try, don't fool around like u always do hcjhvtyxc nmhosi jchsdhjcvhsdjn kdlsnchidvjhadbb hjdsvcgjdsb

You are not smart like everyone else who took the test. Nix wince hdsb hick ddavid gd vdfvfdvfddff. Buddha u buddah jksdnvkjsdnkj u budda hub hair shbcskh chubby. Bihkdsncjkdsbjk. K kdfnkfjnvkjdffdfd fddfvfefv frerevev fever

Created by: Naumaan
  1. Why did the chicken cross the road (pick the one that makes most sense)?
  2. Why did the orange stop running the race (choose the best answer)?
  3. What's the difference between a pizza maker and a pizza?
  4. Who is Zaid Ali T?
  5. What's a skeleton's favourite type of music?
  6. Why couldn't the Mexican get in the Olympics?
  7. What's a Mexican's favourite sports event (just for laughs)?
  8. What's the difference between Hollywood and Bollywood?
  9. What do you get when you look in the mirror?
  10. What was the biggest storm that hit this world (in the options below)?

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?