how smart are you?

This highly scientific test determines your intelligence, IQ and your personality you are indeed the one to pick this test, TEST YOUR FAITH!!!! NOW for just 50% off

Do you have the brain power to outsmart the rest of the sheeple. Are you the one? The chosen one, The one who will be the one who is the one to won this quiz?

Created by: f---boy
  1. How smart do you think you are?
  2. What is your average percentage in tests? approximate
  3. How often do you do your homework? or try to complete it
  4. How much percentage of homework do you complete
  5. When do you finish your assignments?
  6. What percentage do you get in your assignments?
  7. Which option do you like the school best? BE HONEST
  8. Do you hate the students in your school?
  9. how extensive is your vocabulary?
  10. Which teachers do you like best?
  11. Do you follow people on social media and follow trends such as, "DAB" "Watch me whip" " that lip cup thing" etc.
  12. What would you do with 2 million dollars?

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?