How Skilled Are You in the Language of "Flirt"?

Many guys/girls think they have this thing we call flirt DOWN. But do they really? Are you one of those ppl? DO you like answering these annoying questions? If so, take my quiz! It'll tell you just how skilled you are in the art of flirting!

Are you a flirtaholic? Or do you need a serious jerk out of freakville? It may sound cheezy, but think about it, how good of a flirt are you? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: bob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The sexy new guy/girl at a party struts up to you and asks what time it is. You notice the watch they have on. You point this out and they hurriedly explain its broken. You see it ticking but decide not to comment. Are they stupid? Or are they flirting?
  2. You go up to the counter and the man/woman at the register looks up and says "hey, how u doin sweet thang?" They are MUCH older than you. In fact they're ancient! But they seem really nice. Should you flirt back?
  3. When you flirt (or "attempt" to flirt, those of you who are, lets say, a little under-experienced), what is your main flirting move?
  4. If you are TOTALLY turned off by someone, how do you let them know?
  5. Do you like flirting?
  6. Do you flirt with confidence?
  7. Why are you taking this quiz?
  8. Are you a nerd?
  9. Are you getting annoyed with these questions?
  10. Here you are! At the finish! Did you have fun!?

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Quiz topic: How Skilled am I in the Language of "Flirt"?