how sexy are you?

Have you ever wondered just HOW sexy are you? Well this quiz will tell you whether you like it or not. This is going tell you the hard truth. Yu will definitely be getting tough love.

How sexy are you? Who will you attract? How popular are you? Will you be rich? this quiz will tell you just how sexy you are. (sorry bout the false advertising)(:

Created by: avery

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what color is your hair?
  2. What is your figure
  3. whats your skin like
  4. what skin type?
  5. eye color?
  6. height
  7. nose
  8. hands
  9. finger nails
  10. Sorry about all the mess ups but I hoped you liked it just so you know i did not give anyone a lower score on the skin question it was all equal

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Quiz topic: How sexy am I?