How Serious of a Howrse Player Are You?

This quiz is designed for players on US Howrse to gauge their Howrseing abilities. The quiz is based off of things like number of horses, GP's of horses, and how often you log on.

Keep in mind, Howrse standards are always changing, GP's are always increasing, and this quiz may therefore become outdated very quickly. But for now, it should tell you how serious you are on a level of 1-4, 1 being the least serious and 4 being the most.

Created by: sphinx
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How high is the GP of your highest-GP horse?
  2. How many horses do you have whose GP's are above 1350?
  3. How high does a horse's BLUP have to be before you start breeding it?
  4. How often do you log on to Howrse?
  5. What kind of stuff is in your presentation?
  6. How many friends do you have?
  7. Do you have an AP farmer?
  8. Are you an AP farmer?
  9. About how many horses do you have?
  10. What kind of account do you have?
  11. Are you on any teams?

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Quiz topic: How Serious of a Howrse Player am I?