how self/personal goal-centered are you?

Do you truly love others? Are you a narcissist? Do you care for others? Where do you draw the moral line? Are you a power hungry monster with no compassion?

Are you the model of the perfect human being? Do you enjoy the company of others. Do you have time for others? Does your world revolve around you? All these questions can be as]nswered in this quiz.

Created by: dafoley

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you find yourself resenting your friends?
  2. What's your life ambition
  3. Are you happy with your life?
  4. When the person you love breaks up with you you:
  5. Would you do anything to succeed?
  6. Is life one big competition?
  7. Do you hold grudges?
  8. Do you love your family?
  9. How much money do you make?
  10. What do you despise most?

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Quiz topic: How self/personal goal-centered am I?