How Scene Are You?

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On a scale of Jessi Slaughter to Ambrehhh is Dead, how scene are you? Jessi Slaughter being the wannabe scene kid and Ambrehhh being the cool and unique scene kid.

Find out which one are you. Are you a cool scene kid, who's totally unique and fun? or are you just trying to fit in? Find out with this super cool quiz.

Created by: Bessie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you do with your friends?
  2. What do you think of school?
  3. How do you do your hair?
  4. How do you do your make up?
  5. What kinda guys do you like?
  6. Perfect date? (sorry I didn't consider lesbians in the other question. :x)
  7. Describe yourself.
  8. What music do you like?
  9. Who's Kiki Kannibal?
  10. What are you currently wearing?

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Quiz topic: How Scene am I?