How rootbeer crazed are you?

Some people like root beer a lot. Some people don't like root beer. There are those very few who don't know. They wonder whats it's like to know what they like.

Do you know if you like root beer. Are you wondering to know the answer. Then take this quiz! You see the answers clearly once you answer a few simple questions.

Created by: Ihavedacoolestpet
  1. You like out of these.
  2. Would you rather
  3. Your favorite game out of these is
  4. You see your crush walking by. You....
  5. You would rather have 30000000 dollars or have 30000000 bottles of root beer?
  6. So you think you can....
  7. What is your favorite show
  8. You like coke
  9. you like root beer
  10. u like this quiz

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Quiz topic: How rootbeer crazed am I?