How Redneck are you?!? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Redneck are you?!?

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  • Your Result: City Slicker 89%

    Never rode a horse, never left the city limits, never had a bonfire, probably never been in a 4x4 truck. Yall listen to more modern music and probably dont like the country folk much.

    Never rode a horse: yes and no, but I've always wanted to

    Never left the city limits: yeah... I live outside the city limits. So it ain't true

    Never had a bonfire: we have a fire everytime we can, and It's usually a bonfire

    Never been in a 4x4 truck: I'm pretty sure I have

    Yall listen to more modern music: yes, but I also love country and hard rock

    Probably dont like the country folk much: yeah... My family is pretty damn redneck. If I hate country folk, that means I hate my grandfather.

    Res ult aint quite accurate, and a few spelling errors, but nice quiz though


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