How Redneck Are You?

So you think you're redneck?You really really truely belive that you are in fact a redneck? Do you really want to find out? If yes than take this quiz!

Is your mom also your aunt, cousin, and sister?????? Is your husband or wife related to you?! Were your first words "Attention all K-Mart shoppers!"???Basically are YOU A REDNECK??!!

Created by: Sarah Powell
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you been married 3 times and still have the same in laws?
  2. Do you think taco bell is a mexican phone company?
  3. Can you burp and say your name at the same time?
  4. Do you and your dog use the same tree?
  5. Do people come to your front yard thinkin it's a yard sale?
  6. Do you think fast food is hitting a possum at 65 mph?
  7. Does your family tree have any forks?
  8. Do you take a 6 pack cooler to church?
  9. Was fith grade the best 6 years of your life?
  10. Is you life time goal to own a fireworks stand?
  11. Has your dad ever walked you to school because you were in the same grade?
  12. Does your halloween pumpkin on the front porch have more teeth than your husband/wife?
  13. Have you been on tv more than 5 times to describe the sound of a tornado?
  14. Did your parents meet at the family reunion.

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Quiz topic: How Redneck am I?