How rare are you on Animal Jam?

Animal Jam is a online educational game for kids. Millions of kids and teens play it and have fun. Most players also collect rares. When they have a lot, especially the most wanted ones, they consider themselves rare.

If you are wondering if you are rare in the game, take this quiz. There are lots of quizzes on how rare a player is, so after this one try some more. But for now take the quiz, and find out how rare you are (according to me)

Created by: don't wanna say my name
  1. How often do you get the Rare Item Monday?
  2. Best items?
  3. What do you think or trust/flash trading?
  4. Do people ever send you jam-a-grams asking for your stuff? If they do, I think its annoying too.
  5. Someone has a black long on trade. You...
  6. What does your main animal look like?
  7. How about your den?
  8. Do you scam? I hope not. (Has no effect)
  9. Your oldest item is from when? (If you don't know what year you can look it up)
  10. Last question, did you play in beta?

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Quiz topic: How rare am I on Animal Jam?