How Proud Are You?

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Hello there little people. I am a huge Vegeta fan, and one of his biggest personality traits is his pride, so I thought it would be fun to make this quiz.

Some people are naturally prideful, and some go through things that make them that way. Either way, those people are great, so come here to find out how proud you are.

Created by: GokuBlackrose
  1. Do you see yourself as better than anyone else?
  2. Do you scold yourself to get better?
  3. Do you care about anyone's well being?
  4. Do you care about your well being?
  5. Do you stand with your arms folded?
  6. Do you have a burning desire to become better?
  7. Do you feel remorse or guilt?
  8. Do you need therapy?
  9. Do you listen to metal?
  10. Did you like this quiz?
  11. Why did you take it?
  12. Will you rate and promote me?

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Quiz topic: How Proud am I?

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