How Old Is Your Soul? | Comments

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  • I have transcendent soul.this is 100% true!!

  • by the way im 13 tall strong and have a sense for justice hence i think transendant soul suits me

  • Your Result: Transcendent Souls

    You're so evolved, you're not even here. Congratulations. These are people who are on their way to the next dimension and probably spend a lot of their time there already.

    2nd:Old Souls
    3rd:Mature Souls
    4th:Young Souls
    5th:Baby Souls

    In this case evolved means that you are ancient, wise and have gotten to a stage where you have found a way to go to another dimension.Like say if humans evolved to a point where they turned into pure energy(like the people who made the gates in stargate or the people who made the monoliths in space oddessey(if you follow stuff like that(not me)))

  • Your Result: Transcendent Souls

    You're so evolved, you're not even here. Congratulations. These are people who are on their way to the next dimension and probably spend a lot of their time there already.

    2nd:Old Souls
    3rd:Mature Souls
    4th:Young Souls
    5th:Baby Souls

    In this case evolved means that you are ancient, wise and have gotten to a stage where you have found a way to go to another dimension.Like say if humans evolved to a point where they turned into pure energy(like the people who made the gates in stargate or the people who made the monoliths in space oddessey(if you follow stuff like that(not me)))

  • Quite good quiz!
    How Old Is Your Soul?
    Your Result: Old Souls

    The weirdos and saints among us; the mystics, gardeners, and winemakers. Not too interested in rocking the boat or being famous (and they usually aren't, especially in the later stages.) Psychotics and schizophrenics (the other set of people who hear voices) are usually Mature Souls. Most of the famous New Age guru types are also not in this category; rather they are usually Late Young or Early Mature Souls who are still interested in the world drama game or working out karma. Old Soul characteristics don't tend to manifest fully until after age 35.

    Result Breakdown:
    81% Old Souls
    79% Transcendent Souls
    77% Mature Souls
    43% Baby Souls
    17% Young Souls
    Quiz URL: [no urls]

    It's funny, though, that Old Soul characteristics don't tend to manifest until after age 35, since I'm only 28 (in this identity, anyway).

  • Old Soul? I don't think so, but whatever.

  • Evolved... kol. =]

  • I guess i have a old soul, in a tattered vessel, with a heart that refuses to become jaded, but a spirit that refuses to grow up!

  • i got transcendant soul...apparently i am VERY awesome. lol i didnt mean to be snotty or braggy...

  • i don't really feel like an old soul, but that's okidoki. It's nice to take a quiz that isn't random, inaccurate, or written badly out of boredom. I could actually understand it, which is quite refreshing. I've never taken a quiz about a topic like this. Gold stars for you! :)

  • i agree, this should have more than 7!!!!!!!anyways i am mature which is weird coz im CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!a nyways nice quiz and pretty accurate

  • evoled? i don't get it...great quiz anyway!

  • Wow- why on earth this quiz has only 7 stars is beyond me. This quiz is excellent, well-written, and accurate. I really AM a mature soul. Even though I'm only 13, people always tell me I seem 20. Keep making quizzes, this was really great.

  • Your Result: Mature Souls

    These are the folks who are questioning everything, themselves and societal norms, among us. Think Greenpeace, Amnesty International and those in perpetual therapy. They do good in the world out of a burgeoning sense of compassion and connectedness. Motto: "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I don't know."

    Transcendent Souls
    Old Souls
    Young Souls
    Baby Souls

    Puppy xo1
  • old said psycotic people usually have old souls...

  • Cool I am evolved =] it is kinda weird though considering I am 13 -.-' anyway that was a nice quiz =]

  • Of course I know I am evolved -- and there aren't many of us. makes us kinda lonely. Your assessment was bang on.


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