How Old Fashioned Are You?

Gender equality and freedom of expression and choice have always been major topics, but these days, more and more people are expressing their opinions on these topics such as feminism, abortion, and gay marriage.

Have close-minded are you? Are you open to other people's decisions? Are you quick to judge people? Answer this quiz HONESTLY to find out how open-minded you really are.

Created by: Allie
  1. You see a girl at school or work dressed in a rather revealing way. What do you do?
  2. You see two girls holding hands in public. What is your response?
  3. One of your friends at school jokingly smacks a girl's butt. What is your response?
  4. You hear that a girl sleeps around a lot. What is your opinion on this?
  5. A girl in high school gets pregnant and has an abortion. What is your response?
  6. You wear short shorts to school and get yelled at by a teacher because it is distracting to the boys. What is your response?
  7. You spot a girl at the mall who is covered in tattoos. What do you think?
  8. What is your current opinion on gay marriage.
  9. You see a transgender woman on TV. What do you think?
  10. Nursing is a career appropriate for:
  11. You expect your boyfriend to:

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Quiz topic: How Old Fashioned am I?