How nerdy are you?

There are many smart people but a few nerds. So be tuned if you're a nerd! Yay a nerd is someone like a geek. They can solve maths problems in their heads in 20 seconds cool!

Are YOU a nerd? Take this quiz again do you love maths! Then you might be miss/mr nerdy nerd get ready because it's going to start in a short time!!!!

Created by: Chloe
  1. Do you love math?
  2. What's your favourite thing to do?
  3. Do you have a little brother?
  4. Do you have a little brother?
  5. Do you read books?
  6. Do you have a big brother?
  7. What do you call your parents?
  8. Iggy Azalea?
  9. Do you have a big sister?
  10. Why are you taking this quiz?
  11. Bye

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Quiz topic: How nerdy am I?