How Much Of a Harry Potter Nerd Are You?

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No one reads these anyway, but welcome to the Harry Potter quiz. You may find some of these questions easy, but some will be very difficult. You have been warned.

Get to the quiz already. There is no time to waste. The questions are challenging, but true Harry Potter nerds will know the answers.

Created by: Kwizzle

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Hagrids mother's name?
  2. What is the last word in the name of this song? "Odo the ______"
  3. What is Draco Malfoy's mother's maiden name?
  4. What is the name of Bartimaeus Crouch's house elf in the fourth Harry Potter book?
  5. Who was Voldemort named after?
  6. In the second Harry potter book, Ginny knocks something off the table by accident when she sees Harry. What did she knock off the table?
  7. Who sings the song "A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love"?
  8. In the 2nd Harry Potter book, what kind of car do the Weasleys own.
  9. What does Harry uses to breath underwater in the Triwizard Tournament?
  10. Where are divination classes held?
  11. How does one flag down the knight bus?
  12. What is the name of the friendly centaur who lets Harry ride on his back in the first Harry Potter book?
  13. What is Professor Slughorn's favorite snack?
  14. What is Luna Lovegood's father's name?
  15. Who is Gregorovich?
  16. Who wrote "Hogwarts, a History"?

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Quiz topic: How Much Of a Harry Potter Nerd am I?