How much of a CLUE fan are you?

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Do you think you're a true CLUE fan? Then take my quiz!!! All it takes is twelve questions to find out how much of a fan you are!!! Good luck!!!!!!!!!

And... don't feel like you are a failure if you get a low score... that may mean CLUE just isn't your thing. Try taking other quizzes to find out what game IS your thing. Or maybe you already know!!!

Created by: Miss Scarlet
  1. Fist of all, have you ever played CLUE?
  2. How many times did you play it?
  3. What is the name of the woman in blue?
  4. Who goes first in the game?
  5. Do you own a copy of the game?
  6. Who is usually the youngest character in the game?
  7. Who is usually the oldest?
  8. What is the crime you are trying to solve?
  9. What kind of game is CLUE???
  10. What three things do you have to find out correctly in order to win?
  11. Have you watched the movie?
  12. Will you rate or comment? (Has no effect on score)

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Quiz topic: How much of a CLUE fan am I?
