How much like me are you??

Hello fellow quiz takers of the world! Thank you for stumbling along my quiz. Are you ready to find out how much like ME you are? Well you better be! 'Cause this is about to happen!!!

The fabled question of "How much like Me are you?" has plauged this world for too long! Okay maybe not really. But I still hope that you enjoy my quiz! Have fun!

Created by: pickle
  1. Favorite Sport?
  2. What color hair, and how do you wear it?
  3. What is more important to you: Kindness or Popularity?
  4. How tall are you?
  5. You love every kind of animal.
  6. What color are your eyes?
  7. Are you an outdoors kind of person?
  8. Do people call you pretty?
  9. Are you flexible?
  10. Final question... WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? (Yeah I went there)
  11. Rate?
  12. Comment?

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Quiz topic: How much like me am I??
