How much do you like food?

This is a quiz all about food. you need to go through the questions and answer each of them truthfully to find out whether you love or hate food. I wonder what you will get...

Do you love food, is it your life, it is your best friend, well, find out for real in this amazing quiz. It includes fun questions all about food for you to answer.

Created by: starristar
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favortie colour?
  2. You are at a resturant and it is your birthday and your parents say you can have as much food as you like! What do you do?
  3. Your freind gives you a box of chocolates for being a good friend! how nice :-D! What do you do?
  4. Your parents ask you to come and help them with the food shoping, what do you do?
  5. What would be your favorite job out of these options?
  6. It is a cold and snowy day, your parents suggest that you all sit down for a nice warm roast dinner. How do you react?
  7. What do you like best out of these food categories?
  8. How much do you like food?
  9. Will you rate and comment?
  10. Goodbye.

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Quiz topic: How much do I like food?