What Food Are You?

Food is life. Live for food. They food we eat defines us in many more ways than which we can imagine. Everyone has watched the Annoying Orange videos and wondered "What food am I?" Soon you will know.

Could you be a cucumber?? Or a lollipop? Never before has this side of food come to life. Discover your true self through the sustenance of all mankind. FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Maya Lucy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your marital status?
  3. What food do YOU want to be?
  4. What is your favorite weather?
  5. How often do you go to the bathroom??
  6. Do you wear makeup?
  7. What is the first letter of your middle name?
  8. Are you taking this from your computer?
  9. do you like fish?
  10. What time of day is it right now?

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Quiz topic: What Food am I?