how much do you know your consoles?

gamesystems have been around for almost 50 years now. some people just like to play them while other know everything about them (like me) and can tell you all about them.

are YOU one of them (and me)? here you will take a test to figure out if you are one or if you just are a video game player.So, what are you waiting for?GO DO THE TEST!!!!!!!!

Created by: bart
  1. when was the first console made?
  2. what was the first game?
  3. what was nintendos first console?
  4. what was nintendos original buisness?
  5. what does nintendo mean?
  6. what is sonys playstation only racing game?
  7. how did sony start off?
  8. what was the original mario bros. bundled with?
  9. what is the biggest company?
  10. which one of these consoles are actually real?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know my consoles?