how much do you know soma

Thanks a lot for taking this quiz I hope you enjoyed you should make one for me I'm also making a. Zombie apocalypse so love you guys I should do a batman thing so that's it bye

Hi guys you good so yeah I just wanted to tell that soma is a new game that is available on Xbox, ps4 and other smart devices so get it now guys and get fable on your Xbox k

Created by: braxton lewis
  1. In the beginning what happened to Simon?
  2. When he grew up what did he do? Answer wisely.
  3. What happen to Simon after (fill in the blank)
  4. What is simon's full name? (first and surname)
  5. What place did Simon live?
  6. Which place did Simon go after. That was question 4 so yeah. Where he went
  7. Further down you discover your in a world in the future then you discover it's been taken over by a computer living machine you found a person taken over by the computer and is turned into a machine. Her name is?
  8. What year was Simon in before he in the future?
  9. Name the correct monster k it's easy.
  10. Name a correct place in soma it hard if you never play it so yeah

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Quiz topic: How much do I know soma
