How much do you know disney?

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Who likes Disney?I hope all you guys,or girls....what ever,wants to know HOW GOOD YOU ARE with Disney?Hmmm.....One would wish some one would make a amazing quiz....

Well......HOW GOOD ARE YOU!!???HOW DO YOU KNOW???!!!WHY DO YOU KNOW???!!!All these questing will be answered in this,AMAZING quiz!!!!! XD XD XD XD XD

Created by: MidNightMutent
  1. truth or false? this is not said in Beauty and the beast:Once upon a time there was a spoiled,selfish young prince.
  2. In sleeping Beauty,what is the girls rell name?
  3. how meany puppy's were there the 1st time in 101 dalmatians (hint hint:it tells you at the begging of the movie,when Anita says the toddle in all)
  4. In Snow white who are ALL the names of the dwarfs?
  5. What is the name of the thief's name in Tangled?
  6. In the PRINCE AND THE PAUPER who says:Kindling!
  7. Are you exhausted yet?
  8. In Cinderella,who are stepsisters names?
  9. In the Lion King,is the fact about Hyenas hate Lions,and Lions hate Hyenas true?
  10. Oh the last is the hardest,who are the names of the two eels?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know disney?