How much do you know about wild plants?

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just a little note before you take this quiz. i am too lazy to make a very long quiz, so this is not going to be very accurate. these are just a few basic things.

now i shall spam. eiucbaldvhaifvhyugrygetrswqasdfcwqzxfwcqgpeopigjtibnhmihknmojknporykhnbointgobvigcfdxszQAWszextrdyctfuygiuirgthyjukijnphkonjmbgkoijbhungomvpontibgvhfnjrfbuchdgxdvugsbzhvcxdrdzeseq

Created by: FoxyWolf713 of Foxy"s Den
(your link here more info)
  1. first off, do you go hiking a lot?
  2. do you know what devils club is?
  3. is devils club poisonous?
  4. does devils club grow berries?
  5. can raspberries grow in the wild?
  6. do grapes grow in the wild?
  7. do salmon berries exist?
  8. do zukiniberries exist?
  9. do pumpkin berries exist?
  10. do cloud berries exist?
  11. is belladonna a plant?
  12. what is another name for belladonna?
  13. do you think you know a lot about plants?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about wild plants?

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