How much do you know about TWAU?

This quiz was made to test how well you The Wolf Among Us, made by Telltale Games, how well you know the events, what the characters said, and for people to understand what details they missed.

This quiz was just made for fun, nothing to serious, it has 32 questions, for the result to be more accurate and for people to realise that they don't know as much as they thought, or on the other hand to prove that they do know a lot about it, and are true fans of it.

Created by: Grafite
  1. What is Bigby Wolf's job?
  2. What is the first character Bigby encounters?
  3. Why does Faith not say anything about her job?
  4. What did Beast ask Bigby to do?
  5. What is the colour of the hair of the person Bigby and Snow encounter while going outside?
  6. Who do Bigby and Snow find in Faith's apartment?
  7. Who can't Bigby name as a suspect in Episode 1?
  8. What is the name of the restaurant Bigby passes by after arresting the suspect?
  9. What is the name of the detective that interrogates Bigby?
  10. Who helps Bigby escape the police station?
  11. What does Bigby find out after questioning The Woodsman?
  12. What is the animal represented on the glamour tube found on Lily's body?
  13. Who does Bigby find in The Trip Trap?
  14. What is the real name of "The Little Mermaid"?
  15. How many rooms are there in "The Open Arms" second floor?
  16. How many people are present in Lily's funeral? (including Lawrence and Bigby)
  17. What is the place Bigby has to go to out of the three places he can choose between?
  18. What does the icon that appears after Grendel passes out say?
  19. What does Snow want Bigby to do to the glamour tree?
  20. What weapon does Bloody Mary use to injure Bigby?
  21. What new rule does Snow enforce in the beginning of Episode 4?
  22. What place does Nerissa advise Bigby to visit?
  23. What item is missing from the cabinets at the Lucky Pawn?
  24. Who can be found arguing in the Business Office after finding the mirror shard?
  25. Where is the door to the Crooked Man's lair that Bigby uses located?
  26. Who might not be present on The Crooked Man's lair?
  27. Who can't Bigby name as the killer in Episode 5?
  28. Who is injured in the fight in the Crooked Lair?
  29. How does Vivian die?
  30. What is the name of the factory Bloody Mary and the Crooked Man went to?
  31. Who does Bigby roar to if he kills the Crooked Man at the foundry?
  32. Final question: What is the last phrase of the game?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about TWAU?