How much do you know about Roseanne?

This is a Roseanne trivia quiz. Take this quiz to find out how much you know about the show Roseanne. Find out if you are a true fan of the show now.

Are you a true fan of the show? Find out how much you know now by taking this Roseanne trivia quiz now. This quiz consists of multiple choice questions. Have fun and enjoy.

Created by: Honeytoast
  1. What state does Roseanne live in?
  2. What is the family on Roesannes last name?
  3. What embarrasing thing did Becky do while giving her speech at school?
  4. Which is true?
  5. Which character did they keep switching back and forth to during the show?
  6. Why did Jackie leave her boyfriend Fisher?
  7. Who did Jackie eventually marry?
  8. What business do Dan and Roseanne open?
  9. Who does Dan hire to work for him?
  10. Why did Roseanne let David move in with them?
  11. In one of the halloween episodes Jackie tried to trick Roseanne into thinking Fred was...
  12. In the newer episodes what does Dan do while visiting his mother in California?
  13. What famous person played Booker Jackie and Roseannes supervisor at Wellman?
  14. What did Dan get arrested for?
  15. Who showed up and bailed Dan out of jail?
  16. What was the name of the diner that Roseanne and Jackie bought?
  17. Mark and David are...
  18. Where did Mark and Becky live after they got married?
  19. Which is NOT true?
  20. Who ends up being a lesbian?
  21. Who does David cheat on Darleen with by kissing?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Roseanne?